Download Software Untuk Meningkatkan Backlink Speed | Free Download Software | Download Software Backlink Speed - Backlink Speed
merupakan aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk men-submit web/blog sobat ke
berbagai search engine agar mendapatkan backlink gratis. Sehingga situs
- situs backlink
terindex cepat dengan mesin pencari utama dan meningkatkan link balik
situs web/blog sobat. Hasilnya, peningkatan traffic ke situs web/blog
sobat akan semakin baik. Banyak cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk
memperoleh backlink berkualitas, misalnya saja dengan berkomentar di
blog dofollow, link exchange, submit rss, dll. Salah satu cara untuk
meningkatkan pagerank adalah dari backlink. Backlink bisa didapat dari
blogroll, artikel dan juga directory. Untuk directory, backlink yang
bagus adalah yg satu arah (Oneway Backlink)
bukan yg saling bertukar atau reciprocal link. Kemarin saya dapat
software yg sangat memudahkan untuk mendaftar directory. Karena software
ini gratis jadinya directory yg terdaftar di situ juga ga terlalu
banyak hanya sekitar 150. Untuk perfoma sih ok bgt 50% menghemat waktu submit. Tapi klo mau mendapat directory yg banyak sobat bisa upgrade dgn biaya lebih dari $25 pas nya saya lupa,...
- Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7. Sorry it wont work Mac OS.
- 10MB of free disk space.
- On Windows 2000, XP, Vista and higher, you need to have administrative rights to install the software and any future updates.
- People using an older version of windows may also need to download and install the Microsoft Jet4 components. If this is the case, you will be told during the install process.
Backlink Speed
is the easiest way to submit your web
site to over 3,150 backlink sites and
directories, instantly giving a jumpstart
to your traffic and immediate visibility
to the search engines.
BacklinkSpeed submits directly to a large
variety of domain, whois, and DNS
statistic web sites. These backlink sites
are highly visible to the major search
engines and will quickly spider, aggregate, and
link to your web site, many within the same day of
submission. Since these domain statistic web sites
are frequently visited by the major search
engines, you gain instant visibility to search
engine robots, instant boosting of web
site backlinks, and ultimately, increased
is especially powerful for taking a brand
new web site, and in less than a minute,
publishing its link on the web, where it
will be indexed by the search engines. For
already established web sites,
BacklinkSpeed can help you gain visibility in
search engines that you may not have already been listed
with. You can further
increase the submission power of BacklinkSpeed by
adding your own backlink sites to the software.
Simply click the Edit Engines button to add even
more sites to the submission list. BacklinkSpeed is
an incredibly easy way to gain instant backlinks
to your site and dramatically reduce the
time it takes to get indexed by the search
to jumpstart your initial links, you'll
want to follow through with building
additional web site links and performing Search Engine Optimization to
improve your rankings. BacklinkSpeed will
help your initial listings in the search
engines. Optimizing your web site content
and performing quality SEO techniques will propel you from then